$44.99 $50.00
MusclEAA: Essential Amino Acids.
• High EAA Blend With Added BCAAs
• Doubles Muscle Growth
• Doubles Fat Loss
• Get Massive Muscle Pumps
• Boosts Mood
• Amazing Taste
More Muscle, More Strength!
MUSCLEAA is a full spectrum EAA matrix featuring 7000mg EAAs, including 4200mg BCAAs in a scientifically supported ratio shown to maximize muscle building and fat loss. The inclusion of 400mg Mediator® Phosphatitic Acid and 400mg Selaginella Tamariscina Extract DOUBLES the effectiveness of the EAA matrix.
Why take EAAs?
• Stimulate lean muscle growth and prevent muscle breakdown with the right combination and dose of EAAs. 1, 2, 4, 21
• Helps maintain muscle while restricting calories. 17
• Enhance weight loss as increased protein turnover and muscle mass increases your basal metabolic rate (BMR). 17
• Improve mood as they serve directly as important neurotransmitters or as precursors. 17
• Promote energy production and boost exercise performance. 17
Don’t throw away your BCAAs
BCAAs are important and play crucial roles in our bodies including: activating the enzymes that are responsible for building muscles; regulate blood sugar levels; and decreased recovery time.
Benefits of combining EAAs and BCAAs
• Retain, stimulate and build muscle.
• Enhance mental focus during training.
• Enhance fat burning and glucose tolerance.
• Support hormonal balance during intense training.
• Enhance endurance performance and decrease fatigue.
Stack for faster lean muscle growth and fat loss
To develop a complete physique and improve training performance, we must first be sure that our EAA levels are suitably high. The best way to do this is to take both a reputable EAA product like MUSCLEAA and BCAA formula like AMINOCORE. This, combined with a high protein powder supplement like ISOFLEX, are the keys to building a lean, muscular physique. 19
Enhance Muscle Gains and Fat Loss by 100%
How MUSCLEAA Will Supercharge Your Training Success
Master Regulators
A product that will never fail to deliver on its promise of supersizing muscle gains will be one that features the Essential Amino Acids (EAAs), which remain the go-to aminos for many a hard training bodybuilder. The nine EEAs perform varied roles in the body to help sustain health and wellbeing. At the very core of many vital processes, the EAAs cannot be produced by the body and must therefore be obtained in the diet to ensure complete health and optimal physiological functioning (including immunity and cardiac function). Each of these “master regulators” of physical and mental functioning also plays a major role in stimulating muscle growth and regeneration, promoting energy production, improving mood, enhancing fat loss, boosting exercise performance, preventing muscle losses, and assisting with nutrient absorption.17 In fact, without the right combination of EAAs, consumed at the right times, even the most devoted trainee will stand to make little if any meaningful progress. MUSCLEAA is proven to be superior in supplying each of the vital EAAs (including a superior ratio of muscle-specific Branch Chain Amino Acids – BCAAs) when they are needed most. What’s more, this product takes this already impressive means to improving muscle-building and fat loss and, via its significantly greater potency and the addition of revolutionary compounds Mediator® Phosphatitic Acid and Selaginella Tamariscina Extract, makes it doubly-effective.
Double the Muscle: when orally ingested and combined with sufficient protein, hard training and rest, Mediator® Phosphatidic Acid has been shown to significantly activate the Mammalian Target of Rapamycin (mTOR) signaling pathway responsible for switching on muscle protein synthesis – and it does so to such and extent that muscle-building progress can be doubled.9
Double the Fat Loss: not only does MUSCLEAA keep EAA levels high, it can also boost fat loss by 100% due to the powerful effect of Mediator® Phosphatidic Acid, which not only further activates and sustains mTOR signaling (and muscle growth), but also promotes greater lipid oxidation (fat loss) for a leaner and more muscularly impressive physique.9
Massive Muscle Pumps: a powerful phosphodiesterase (an enzyme which promotes vasoconstriction) inhibitor, MUSCLEAA’s Selaginella Tamariscina significantly improves the coveted muscle pumping effect by vastly increasing vasodilatation and greater blood flow to the working muscles.
Mood Boosting: along with MUSCLEAA’s extreme vasodilating effects, which improve blood flow to the brain to enhance cognition and mood, Selaginella Tamariscina also works as a negative modulator of the GABA-A receptor, which improves alertness and focus to heighten training intensity.
The EAA Advantage
Without each of nine EAAs in ratios conducive to engaging and sustaining muscle protein synthesis and which provide the building blocks for muscle rebuilding (ideally, a total of 7000mgs of EAAs with 4200mg of BCAAs in a 45:30:25 ratio), we can expect to not gain a single ounce of quality muscle or experience to the fullest any of the additional benefits of the EAAs. What we really need to support muscle-building and weight loss is each of these key aminos in their proper ratio.1, 2, 4, 21
In fact, according to multiple studies, EAA supplementation could be the single most important step we can take to keeping our bodies in the highly-prized anabolic state from which muscle growth and fat loss most readily occur. A 2017 study gave participants BCAAs or a placebo after strength training workouts. Here it was concluded that while BCAA supplementation does improve muscle growth, there are limits to exactly how well the BCAAs will do this. Instead, the researchers found that to maximize gains in muscle tissue after working out, we must supplement with all of the EAAs, not just the BCAAs.3 Other studies have reached similar conclusions.8, 12 Bottom line: for the best results in size, strength and fat loss, rather than prioritize the star players, be sure to take each of the EAAs in precise ratios.
Fuel Muscle Growth
While dosing up on EAAs, breaking down muscle tissue through heavy weight training and getting in enough quality proteins remain central to the muscle-building process, another step can now be added to double (yes, double) any expected progress. Here, a substance called Mediator® Phosphatidic Acid, when orally ingested and combined with the aforementioned muscle-building mandatories, has been shown to significantly activate the Mammalian Target of Rapamycin (mTOR) signaling pathway that activates muscle protein synthesis.22 In this way, greater mTOR activation regulates protein synthesis to a massive extent, providing double the muscle in those who weight-train regularly and who consume a protein-rich diet. Ultimately, the muscle-building benefits of the EAAs are greatly magnified with Phosphatidic Acid (PA), which activates our most important anabolic pathway to enhance the effects of resistance training and to significantly boost muscle protein synthesis – the true keys to staying anabolic for longer.16, 17, 22
Blast Fat Stores
Whenever EAA levels are sufficient, our bodies may more efficiently regulate EAA status to power myriad physiological functions. One such function is fat loss. In this way, when adequate EAAs are available for muscle protein synthesis, greater amounts of bodyfat are likely to be burned. Rather than muscle being targeted, the body turns to fat for fuel. Thus, it comes as no surprise that high protein diets, and their constituent EAA bounty, comprise a cornerstone of any effective weight management plan.
With MUSCLEAA, not only can EAA levels be kept higher than would otherwise be possible through less efficient means, this powerful anabolic activator is designed to fast-track fat loss by 100% due to its hefty inclusion (400mg) of Mediator® Phosphatidic Acid, which not only has been shown to further activate and sustain mTOR signaling (and muscle growth), but also promote high levels of lipid oxidation (fat loss) for more in the way of shredded size.6, 7, 11, 18
Elevate Training Intensity
A key component in the quest for more muscle and less bodyfat is, of course, the training process itself. Without a solid training regimen, results will be negligible, regardless of how well-nourished with EAAs are muscles are. With MUSCLEAA, training progress can be greatly expedited due to this supplement’s ability to ensure that more energy is produced and regulated in the body. Here, the BCAAs play a major role in that they are metabolized in the muscles instead of the liver, meaning that these key aminos are available in the bloodstream soon after ingestion. They can then be called on and used for rapid energy during training. MUSCLEAA also boosts training progress by enhancing intensity via stronger muscular contractions. This is where its second unique ingredient takes center stage. Called Selaginella Tamariscina, a source of the compound amentoflavone, this uniquely-beneficial compound increases calcium release in muscle tissue.24 This, in turn, greatly enhances muscular contraction, the end result being greater strength, which then forces superior supercompensation (a positive training adaptation responsible for progressive increases in muscle size).
MUSCLEAA also plays a key role in fatigue reduction through the superior bioavailability of its potent complement of BCAAs. As we have learned, the muscles use BCAAs during exercise, a key feature which naturally causes BCAA levels in the blood to decrease. When this happens, the brain increases levels of the essential amino acid tryptophan. Unfortunately, when this happens, tryptophan is converted to serotonin, a calming neurotransmitter that produces muscular fatigue during exercise. Two studies highlighted the importance of BCAA supplementation in reducing this undesirable effect, during which subjects who supplemented with BCAAs significantly improved their mental focus when exercising. 5, 20
Prime the Pump
Yet another key factor in improving body composition is muscle pumping. Yes, that highly-desirable state of full muscular engorgement does much to lay the foundation for continued muscle growth, which, as we know, also sustains fat loss. Here, MUSCLEAA, with its massive 400mg of Selaginella Tamariscina, serves as a powerful phosphodiesterase (PDE) inhibitor.10 What does this mean? Well, whenever the vasoconstricting enzyme PDE is impeded, vasodilatation is increased.23 Whenever vasodilation is increased there is a corresponding increase in blood flow to the working muscles, which results in that most coveted side effect of intense training: skin-stretching muscle pumps.
Boost Mood
As well as promoting massive muscle pumps, the extreme vasodilating effects of MUSCLEAA also improve blood flow to the brain, resulting in improved cognition and elevated mood. As well, Selaginella Tamariscina also serves as a negative modulator of the GABA-A receptor to greatly enhance alertness and focus, to improve training intensity and bolster one’s drive and determination to conquer the weights.25, 26
Elite Training Fuel
As outlined above, the most effective way to maximize training success is to ensure that a high protein diet packed full of EAA-rich complete proteins is in place from the get-go. As such, high-quality whey formulations like ISOFLEX, along with complete protein-rich foods, work best to provide the most readily-absorbed blend of EAAs to fuel size gains.19 However, as we have also learned, the most efficient and effective way to supply our bodies with the EAAs so essential to complete muscle growth, fat loss, performance and mental focus and drive is to take them directly through a reputable, scientifically-validated supplement that features each in the most bioavailable and high-potency package. Here, a 45:30:25 ratio of the BCAAS Leucine, Valine and Isoleucine will form a key role in boosting muscle growth.13, 14, 15 Given the unrivalled muscle-building benefits of the BCAAs, it is therefore recommended that a superior BCAA product such as AMINOCORE be taken alongside MUSCLEAA to further bolster the EAA-specific benefits of this latest natural performance enhancer.
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